Thursday, March 19, 2009

Great trip

Mar. 16
We travelled back to San Jose and relaxed in the hotel's cafe on the sidewalk. The city is bustling with lots of people, so different from our small mountain city experiences. We are tired and ready to come home, but enjoyed our trip immensely.

Monkeys up close and personal

Mar. 15
Manuel Antonio National Park is a natural preserve with more wildlife in it than we had seen so far. As we walk a trail, our guide would spot out sloths or monkeys or birds and set the telescope for us to see. The monkeys would come right down to our level, though, waiting for a handout. This raccoon was actually under our table at the pool!

Croc Safari

Mar. 14
Jungle Crocodile safari! It was a ride in a pontoon type boat, driven by an 18 year old boy (looked 13). We travelled up a river infested with crocodiles. When we would spot one, Santiago, our driver, would jump out with a piece of raw chicken and taunt the croc till he would come after him. With everyone screaming for him to get back into the boat, Santiago would smile and continue to play with the croc, then finally give him the chicken!

Extremo Canopy

Mar. 13-
We arrived at the Extremo Canopy to go zip lining. We thought that it would be a couple of rides over some pretty scenery, but we were not prepared for the amount or distance we did do. They harnessed us up and helmeted us, then gave us these leather banded gloves. We zipped lined for 2 hours which included at least 12 runs. In between each run, we had to walk, yes, uphill, to the next one. We got more exercise! It was a blast but scary...especially at the end for the finale...your arms are shaky by now and you are travelling about 30 mph for 1/2 mile over a 1000 ft. canyon.

Horseback riding

Mar. 12-
We loaded up in the bus to go to a farm for horseback riding. They separated out the beginners, then started picking out our horses. Again, if you have any experience with the Havasupai area, you would recognize these horses...small with rough equipment! Once settled we rode through the rain forest area, passing through coffee plants, water holes, and lots of beautiful countryside. 2 hours later we were back.

Hike to the waterfall

In the afternoon of kayaking, we hiked to the bottom of a waterfall. It was 534 steps down and approx. 1/2 mile, though Ron will say otherwise! If you have hiked the Havasupai trail, it would be like the 1st mile down only in steep steps. It was the hike up that was gruelling! But at the bottom it was beautiful...cold pool which I got in just to say I did!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kayaking on Lake Arenal

We got to kayak on a volcanic lake. Lake Arenal was not cold even though the day is very cloudy and rainy. We had fun, but will be sore tomorrow. Dr. Yeager, we thought of you! The big guy in the kayak is part of the group that joined us from Rhode Island. It was entertaining watching him.

Travelling on Costa Rican roads

On our way to La Fortuna we saw some of the results of their recent earthquake. Our road was washed out and we needed some help getting onto the narrow bridge...we made it! This was on Tues. Today is Wed. and the first time we´ve been able to get to an internet connection.

First hotel

Here we are at our first hotel! It was a quick night and we are off to our first day. The weather is great 70´s. Lots of food...of course, rice and beans at every meal. Ron says, No Mexican for awhile!
The man in the front with the blue shirt is Marcos, our guide.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Map of our trip


These are the stops for our trip. Only 6 more days!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Costa Rica

We will be leaving March 9th for San Jose, Costa Rica. The Gran Hotel in San Jose is one of the oldest there. We'll be staying there our first night.
This is one of the beaches! Doesn't it look so cool. We can hardly wait. We will update you each day of the trip. This starting blog is just to give you an idea of where we'll be and give me a chance to practice my blogging skills. :) Debbie and Ron

Thursday, January 15, 2009


This is a trial blog.
Hi family! You are all so special to us, we decided to put you on the front of our blog.
Wish you all (y'all...for the Huffs) could go with us, but maybe next time!
Love you